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Consultation & Coaching

"You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."

                                               Abraham Lincoln

There is a possibility of short-term consultation for patients with constrained problems that cannot be described as symptoms yet. In some cases a specialists opinion could be enough to look at a specific situation from a different point of view.

Coaching ist eine junge Methode, die sich meistens auf die Probleme im Arbeitsleben beschränkt und einem hilft die passende Balance zu finden. Eine sinnvolle Arbeit in einer freundlichen Umgebung, die manchmal durch komplizierte Menschenbeziehungen beeinflusst wird, gehört zu den wichtigsten Voraussetzungen der geistigen Gesundheit und des psychischen Wohlfühlens.

Coaching is a young method that is generally restricted to work life problems helping to find the right balance. A meaningful job in a friendly environment that is sometimes influenced by complicated relationships belongs to the important foundations of mental health and emotional comfort.

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